Application parameters

Table 1: The parameters for the AGV Batch Simulation
-layoutfile -l The layoutfile to use for the simulation.
-behaviorjar -j The jar file containing the code for agent behavior.
-behavioragv -b The class (in the behaviorjar) containing the behavior for the AGV.
-logconfig -c The XML file containing the configuration of the logger.
-timesteps -t Number of timesteps the simulation will run.

Example parameters to use the demo behavior specified in agentwise.agvsimulation.behaviordemo:

- l XML/layout.xml
- j ../agentwise.agvsimulation.behaviordemo/
-b agentwise.agvsimulation.behaviordemo.AGVRandomWalkBehavior
--logconfig ../agentwise.agvsimulation.behaviordemo/logconfig.xml
-t 300

With this parameters, the output should be something like:

INFO - Effect applied: DriveToPositionEffect on AGV robot agv1: new position: Position(x=150.0meter,y=50.0meter)
INFO - Effect applied: ChangeEnergyEffect on AGV robot agv1: new energy level: 81.0v
INFO - Effect applied: DriveToPositionEffect on AGV robot agv1: new position: Position(x=150.0meter,y=150.0meter)
INFO - Effect applied: ChangeEnergyEffect on AGV robot agv1: new energy level: 31.0v

nelis 2005-11-23